Does the type of water I drink matter ?

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The Downsides of Tap Water

Tap water, while easily accessible, may contain fluoride and other harmful substances. Fluoride, in particular, has been linked to various health issues. Additionally, municipal water supplies are not focused on delivering high-quality water, which can further compromise our health.

The Impact of Energy Drinks and Soda

Contrary to popular belief, energy drinks and soda are not ideal for hydration. In fact, they can dehydrate you further. While they may temporarily quench your thirst, they do not provide the necessary hydration your body needs.

The Top Options for Drinking Water

When it comes to choosing the best water for your health, two options stand out: reverse osmosis filtered water and spring water. Reverse osmosis filtered water requires remineralization to restore essential minerals. On the other hand, spring water is often recommended due to concerns about the effects of microwaves on water from water towers.

The Benefits of Hard Water

Contrary to popular belief, hard water with high magnesium content can have a mild association with longer life and overall health. It is the minerals in hard water, such as calcium, magnesium, and lithium, that make it alkaline and give it its characteristic taste. However, the presence of positively charged minerals in hard water can cause scaling in tea kettles and other vessels.

The Dangers of Soft Water

While hard water may have its benefits, soft water from wells containing sulfur and iron can be harmful to health. Drinking water with calcium and magnesium, free from bacteria and chemicals, is a more beneficial choice for our well-being.

Choosing Bottled Spring Water

For those on a budget, plastic bottled spring water is a practical choice. However, if you are willing to invest more, glass bottled spring water is optimal. While it may be heavier and more expensive, the safety it provides outweighs the potential trace amounts of plastic in the water.

The Role of Personal Preference

Although there are known dangerous chemicals in water that can have negative effects, personal preference also plays a role in water choices. It is important to focus on other fundamental aspects of our health, such as exercise and nutrition, before prioritizing the type of water we drink.

Assessing Water Quality

To ensure the quality of water you consume, it is recommended to check the data on what's in it and verify it with water testing agencies. This is particularly important when considering spring water from a protected aquifer near you.

Tools for Water Filtration

To address specific concerns, filters like reverse osmosis can be used to remove fluoride from water. These filtration systems can provide a peace of mind when it comes to the quality of the water we consume.


While the type of water we drink does have an impact on our health, it is important to prioritize other lifestyle factors, such as exercise and nutrition. Personal experience and objective measurements should guide our decision-making when it comes to the type of water we consume.

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