Is Copper Toxicity Making You Sick?

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Understanding Copper Toxicity

Copper toxicity occurs when there is an excessive buildup of copper in the body. This can happen due to imbalanced mineral levels, exposure to copper through various sources, or hormonal imbalances. While copper is necessary for proper body functioning, too much of it can be detrimental to our health.

Detecting Copper Toxicity

One way to detect copper toxicity is through hair tissue mineral analyses. By analyzing the mineral content in the hair, experts can identify imbalances and determine if there is an excess of copper. Another method that may help is using Life wave patches. These patches use phototherapy to bind and utilize excess copper in the body.

Causes and Sources of Copper Toxicity

Copper is widely used in industrial and commercial applications, making its way into everyday items such as fungicides, pesticides, and copper piping. Additionally, hormonal imbalances, specifically an excess of estrogen, can contribute to copper toxicity. Stress and imbalanced nutrient intake can also play a role in this condition.

Health Issues Associated with Copper Toxicity

High levels of copper in the body can lead to various health issues. Symptoms can range from fatigue and headaches to digestive problems and neurological disorders. It's important to address copper toxicity to prevent these complications from worsening.

Balancing Minerals and Eliminating Excess Copper

Balancing mineral levels in the body can help eliminate excess copper and improve overall health. Zinc is particularly important in this process, as copper and zinc balance has been disrupted in the modern world. By ensuring an adequate intake of zinc, we can support the body's ability to regulate copper levels.

Copper Toxicity and Women

Copper toxicity is a concern, especially for women due to the effects of estrogen. Estrogen can increase the absorption of copper in the intestines, leading to higher levels in the body. Women should be particularly cautious about their copper levels and take steps to manage them.

Other Concerns: Aluminum and Zinc Deficiency

In the modern world, aluminum levels in energy drinks and deodorants are a growing concern. These sources of aluminum can worsen copper toxicity and should be avoided. Additionally, zinc deficiency is often seen in those experiencing copper toxicity, further emphasizing the importance of balancing these two minerals.

Managing Health in the Modern World

Managing health in today's world can be expensive and challenging. The stress of keeping up with various health concerns can be overwhelming. At our practice, we strive to provide a high-quality experience by limiting the number of clients we take on. This ensures that each client receives the attention and care they deserve, without getting overextended and under too much stress.

Addressing Copper Toxicity: A Complex Journey

Addressing copper toxicity is not as simple as taking zinc supplements. It requires a comprehensive approach that considers various factors such as mineral balance, lifestyle choices, and environmental exposures. Understanding the complexities of copper toxicity is crucial for effectively managing this condition.

Misconceptions about Copper Toxicity

One common misconception is that if serum copper levels are normal, excess tissue copper is not present. However, this is not always the case. Postmenopausal women, for example, may have normal serum copper levels but still have excess tissue copper that needs to be flushed out. It's important to look beyond surface-level measurements and consider the overall picture.


Copper toxicity is a serious concern that can have a significant impact on your health. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and ways to address it, you can take steps to protect yourself from its harmful effects. Whether it's through balancing mineral levels, managing estrogen levels, or eliminating sources of copper exposure, there are various strategies that can help. Don't overlook the importance of addressing copper toxicity and its potential impact on your overall well-being.

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