Unveiling the truth: Is traveling to Nicaragua in 2023 really safe?

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Exploring the Retreat and Gym

ECI Development and Dr. Stillman are collaborating to host a powerful retreat in Nicaragua. The retreat focuses on health and wellness, highlighting the importance of silence and reconnecting with nature. Proceeds from the retreat will be used to build a gym on ECI Development's property.

Building a Sustainable Community

Emphasizing the community philosophy, Gr Pacifica prioritizes sustainability, nature, and self-sufficiency. The goal is to create a nature-based community where different worldviews can coexist peacefully. The combination of design perspective and local wisdom creates a powerful synergy, bringing together different approaches for a sustainable lifestyle.

Safety and Crime in Nicaragua

Contrary to common misconceptions, Nicaragua is one of the safest countries in the world. While petty theft is prevalent, violent crime is limited. It is important to be cautious and avoid leaving belongings...

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