What most people get wrong about breathing

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The Importance of Proper Breathing

Breathing is not just about supplying oxygen to the body; it regulates immune function, digestive system, nutrient absorption, and hormone production. The way you breathe drives these vital bodily functions. For optimal efficiency, it's essential to breathe with your diaphragm and keep your axial skeleton aligned. This ensures that the diaphragm functions properly and supports the rest of your body.

The Myth of Nose Breathing

You may have heard that breathing through your nose is the only way to breathe correctly. While nose breathing is beneficial, it's not the whole story. Proper breathing involves using the diaphragm, not just inhaling through the nose. Closing your mouth while breathing can improve the efficiency of your breath, but it's crucial to focus on diaphragmatic breathing for optimal results.

The Dangers of Incorrect Breathing

Using high threshold strategies during exercise, such as...

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