How genetics affect dopamine levels and what this means for you

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The Complex Relationship Between Dopamine and Addiction

Dopamine signaling is intricately involved in addiction and craving behavior. Various factors, including genetics, development, and social environment, can influence drug consumption. Understanding this complex relationship can help us develop strategies to maintain optimal dopamine levels and promote healthier behaviors.

Unveiling the Role of Genetics in Dopamine Production

Did you know that most dopamine in the body is actually produced outside the brain? Mesent and mesenteric organs play a crucial role in dopamine production and signaling. Additionally, there are essential minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients required for dopamine synthesis. By understanding how genetics impact dopamine levels, we can optimize our diet and lifestyle choices to support optimal dopamine production.

The Influence of Light on Dopamine and ADHD

Light exposure not only affects our vision but also...

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Does the type of water I drink matter ?

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The Downsides of Tap Water

Tap water, while easily accessible, may contain fluoride and other harmful substances. Fluoride, in particular, has been linked to various health issues. Additionally, municipal water supplies are not focused on delivering high-quality water, which can further compromise our health.

The Impact of Energy Drinks and Soda

Contrary to popular belief, energy drinks and soda are not ideal for hydration. In fact, they can dehydrate you further. While they may temporarily quench your thirst, they do not provide the necessary hydration your body needs.

The Top Options for Drinking Water

When it comes to choosing the best water for your health, two options stand out: reverse osmosis filtered water and spring water. Reverse osmosis filtered water requires remineralization to restore essential minerals. On the other hand, spring water is often recommended due to concerns about the effects of microwaves on water from...

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Protein how much do I need? Why is it important?

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The Importance of Protein in Your Diet

Protein is a crucial component of a healthy diet. It plays a key role in muscle repair and growth, helps regulate hormone production, and supports proper brain function. Without adequate protein, you may experience fatigue, weakened immune function, and difficulty in building and maintaining muscle mass.

Determining Your Protein Needs

Protein intake depends on your goals and body tolerance. If your aim is to gain muscle mass, you'll likely need a higher protein intake than someone who is primarily focused on weight loss. As a general guideline, many fitness enthusiasts aim for around 1 gram of protein per pound of their goal weight. However, individual responses and goals may vary, so it's important to consider your specific needs and consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist.

Protein and Weight Loss

Increasing your protein intake can be beneficial for weight loss. Protein helps to...

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Why light is such a big deal

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The Three Key Segments of Light

Light can be classified into three main categories: infrared, visible, and ultraviolet. While infrared light is felt as heat and affects our skin, visible light influences our circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles. On the other hand, ultraviolet light, despite its association with skin cancer, also plays a role in hormone regulation and vitamin D production.

The Importance of Natural Light

Getting enough natural light is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people overlook the importance of actively seeking sunlight, especially if they work indoors or live in cold regions. However, there are ways to overcome these barriers. By improving diet, exercising, and using saunas to support metabolism and cold tolerance, individuals can reap the benefits of natural light.

Take Small Steps Towards Optimal Light Exposure

When it comes to increasing light exposure, gradual progress is key. Start by...

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The Top 5 reasons people fail.

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Nutritional Absorption and Medication Tradeoffs

One often overlooked aspect of failure is the impact of long-term medication use on nutrition absorption. Educating ourselves about the tradeoffs of medication and its effect on our nutrition is crucial. Interacting with doctors or coaches can help us understand underlying issues and find solutions to ensure our bodies receive the necessary nutrients.

Being in Tune with Your Body

Spending time outside and being in tune with our bodies are key factors in achieving personal success. Living an outdoor life that aligns with our circadian rhythm and exposure to natural light forms the foundation of a successful life. It's essential to be present, listen to our bodies, and avoid seeking external solutions.

Adhering to Fundamentals and Avoiding Overcomplication

Failure often stems from overlooking the basic fundamentals of self-care. Walking outside, consuming adequate protein, and staying hydrated...

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How we can help you

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Understanding the Dynamic Nature of Aging and Health

As we age, our bodies undergo changes that require adjustments in our lifestyle. It's crucial to grasp the dynamic nature of aging and health. This understanding helps us make informed decisions regarding exercise duration, intensity, supplement doses, and medication doses. Rely on the expertise of experienced professionals to navigate this dynamic system successfully.

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Comparison and Fear-Mongering

One of the biggest challenges today is comparing ourselves to others and getting influenced by fear-mongering and noise. It's easy to lose self-awareness and be swept away by popular opinion. At our platform, we teach individuals to step back, reflect on themselves, and address psychological and emotional aspects that are often overshadowed. Let's shift our focus to personal growth and authentic well-being.

Trade-Offs and Risks of Being a High-Level Performer


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The B-6 Paradox: Debunking Common Misconceptions

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Understanding the Different Forms of Vitamin B6

Before we delve into the paradox, it's important to understand the different forms of vitamin B6. The active form, known as p5p or PLP, is crucial for various functions in the body. However, synthetic forms of B6, such as paradoxine, have been questioned for their effectiveness. The truth is that paradoxine exists in different conformers in nature, making it viable for clinical use. Both paradoxine HCL and paradoxine 5 phosphate can yield positive clinical outcomes.

Addressing Concerns about Synthetic B6 Supplements

Some individuals claim to have experienced harm from synthetic B6 supplements like paradoxine or paradoxine HCL. However, it's important to recognize that misleading posts can create a negative perception of clinicians who prescribe these supplements. Additionally, supplementation with high doses of pyridoxine (greater than 50 milligrams per day) for extended periods may be...

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Why we do what we do

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The Flaws in Conventional Medicine Models

The current healthcare system is broken and in dire need of a revamp. This realization came to us through personal health experiences and witnessing the mismanagement within the healthcare industry. Despite having experience in both conventional and alternative medicine, we found both lacking in terms of patient experience and overall effectiveness. This prompted our journey to create a fundamentally different model that focuses on personalized care, shorter wait times, and addressing the root causes of health issues rather than relying solely on supplements and procedures.

Exploring Different Models in Health and Wellness

When it comes to the concept of 'natural,' there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Context plays a crucial role in determining what is considered natural and beneficial for an individual. By exploring different models in health and wellness, we can expand our understanding and...

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Unleash the Power of Minerals: Why Minerals Are the Keys to Health and Disease

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Mineral Balancing: The Foundation of Health

Minerals exist in a delicate system within our bodies, interacting with each other to maintain vital functions. This mineral balancing process is key to correcting multiple health problems simultaneously. Unfortunately, many practitioners misunderstand the complexity of mineral interactions and their role in overall health. That's where hair tissue mineral analysis comes in, providing a comprehensive understanding of mineral imbalances and guiding targeted interventions for optimal health.

Unveiling the Importance of Minerals

Did you know that micronutrient imbalances can lead to illness, while correcting these imbalances can improve health? Minerals play a crucial role in various bodily functions, from supporting enzyme reactions to maintaining hormonal balance. Deficiencies in minerals can lead to a wide range of health issues, making it essential to...

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Joe Mercola estrogen is bad for you?

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Dr. Stillman Minerals webinar

The Clickbait Culture: Separating Fact from Fiction

The fitness industry is rife with clickbait headlines and absolute statements about how estrogen is detrimental to our health. But is it really that simple? The truth is, the relationship between estrogen and our well-being is much more complex. Let's explore the factors that influence estrogen levels and why it's important to look beyond the surface-level claims.

The Role of Toxic Burden and Metabolic Reactions

High estrogen levels in humans are not solely determined by hormones. Toxic burden, which includes exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds, and metabolic reactions can also impact estrogen levels. It's important to consider the bigger picture when assessing hormonal health and not solely blame estrogen for any physiological dysfunction.

Estrogen: Not Necessarily the Villain

Contrary to popular belief, estrogen is not inherently bad for our...

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